
AquaPal is a web application that helps you reach your water goals, to aid you reaching your goals, you can choose between having a monkey or an otter as a pet.


UI Designer


Oct 2022 – Dec 2022


Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Procreate

The Solution

Create an engaging web app that motivates users to hydrate and to provide a sense of responsibility by having users hydrate their pets by tracking their water intake.


For AquaPal, we wanted to create a simple yet enjoyable experience. With simplicity in mind, the home UI consists of only the essential features. These features include a progress bar, a button to add the amount of water users have consumed, basic navigation and the user’s name and water intake history.

By having a simple UI, users are able to easily navigate through the application and there is no clutter to distract users from caring for their chosen pal.

First time users go through basic info input screens before the homepage.

The AquaPals

The pals who require hydration.

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